Tarchon Energy will first need to procure seabed and onshore surveys, which will then be used to inform procurement of the main equipment and services required to design, construct, install, and commission the project.
These seabed and onshore surveys will provide the detailed technical information that will form part of the requirements specification against which potential equipment and service suppliers will bid. Seabed surveys will have the longest lead time due to the length of the offshore route and the requirement for sufficient windows of good weather. Two separate Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) notices will be issued for offshore seabed surveys and onshore surveys.
The procurement plan for Tarchon Energy is based on the following principles:
Achieving the most economically advantageous tender solution
Transparency and fairness
Voluntary compliance with OJEU regulations and utilities directives
A process that is either ‘restricted’ or ‘competitive with negotiation’
Confidentiality within the process
Equal access to information between tenderers
A closed procurement process for each contract lot that will require pre-qualification